Åååå så söta de är! De ser så gossiga ut!Kram Josefine
Åh så söta.
they are super, super adorable.look at those eyes, ...they must be so eager to see the world around them.Dave here.
Wow, they're so cute!
such cute babies! You're lucky...
Så nydelige! (Var inne på samme idé, for vi har eneggede tvillinger som naboer.)
Vilka gullpluttar och vad lik varandra dom är!
this is a winner's photo. can't wait to vote..they're so adorable!eng of poetic murmurings
Tack för att du tar dig tid att skriva en kommentar ♡
Åååå så söta de är! De ser så gossiga ut!
SvaraRaderaKram Josefine
Åh så söta.
SvaraRaderathey are super, super adorable.
SvaraRaderalook at those eyes, ...they must be so eager to see the world around them.
Dave here.
Wow, they're so cute!
SvaraRaderasuch cute babies! You're lucky...
SvaraRaderaSå nydelige!
SvaraRadera(Var inne på samme idé, for vi har eneggede tvillinger som naboer.)
Vilka gullpluttar och vad lik varandra dom är!
SvaraRaderathis is a winner's photo. can't wait to vote..
SvaraRaderathey're so adorable!
eng of poetic murmurings